Queen Anne Naturopathic Center
To Schedule An Appointment
Call 206.281.4282
315 1st Ave West, Suite A
Seattle, WA 98119
Email office@qanc.com

Health Topics & Tips
How To Take Your Homeopathic Medicines
If you have been given an envelope of medicine:
Carefully open the envelope. Without touching the pellets, empty the contents into your mouth. Let dissolve. Do not eat, drink, or use toothpaste for 10 minutes before taking or a few minutes after taking.
If you have been given your medicine in a glass bottle:
Carefully pour a small amount of pellets -about 1/2 of one layer- into the lid and empty into your mouth without touching. Let dissolve. Do not eat or drink or use toothpaste for 10 minutes before taking or a few minutes after taking. Do not store your homeopathic medicines near aromatics, direct heat or sunlight.
If you have been given your LM remedy in a small amber dropper bottle:
Do not store near heat or direct sunlight. Do not eat, drink, or use toothpaste for 15 minutes before taking remedy. Water is OK. Hit the bottle on the palm of your hand or a book 8 times (succussing). Then squeeze 8 drops into a glass with 4 oz purified or distilled water and stir 8 times. Take 1 tsp of that and put under your tongue (OK to swallow). Throw the rest out and start with fresh water each time you take a dose. Wait 10 minutes to eat or drink. Take daily.
If you have been given your LM remedy in a large glass bottle:
Do not store near heat or direct sunlight. Do not eat, drink, or use toothpaste for 15 minutes before taking remedy. Water is okay. Pour approximately 1/2 cup distilled or purified water into a glass. Succuss or shake the bottle by hitting it into the palm of your hand or on a book 8 times. Then pour 1 tsp from the bottle into the water, stir 8 times. Take 1 tsp from the glass and put it under your tongue (okay to swallow) and throw the rest away. Wait 10 minutes to eat or drink. Take daily.
Avoid using at least until we have found the medicine that works for you. After that, you can choose to experiment to see whether the following substances are compatible with homeopathy*
Electric blankets.
This does not include heating pads or water bed heaters. If you like, you may warm your bed with the electric blanket and then turn it off.
Dental work.
Drilling, novocaine and ultrasonic cleaning may interfere with homeopathy. We can suggest the best timing of non-emergency dental care.
Some conventional medications.
Please contact us before taking antibiotics, steroids, or other medications taken internally or applied topically. In many cases, we can suggest natural alternatives that will not interfere with homeopathic treatment.
Some procedures/therapies such as MRIs and therapeutic ultrasound.
X-rays are fine.
Any other homeopathic medicines, except in first-aid situations.
In acute illnesses, please consult with us before using any other homeopathic medicines in any form.
* If you think your medicine has been disturbed by these substances or exposures: Unless you are really suffering, please wait a week before calling us. In some cases the medicine will begin to act again. If not, please call to let us know.